History | Dia de los Muertos

El Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican holiday that’s celebrated Oct 31st- Nov 2nd. I’ve been seeing the popularization of this holiday among main stream culture. With that, I’ve been feeling a little annoyed (for lack of a better word) because I feel that there’s really no understanding behind it, it just looks pretty, and if it looks pretty, it will sell. And what I don’t want to see happen, is that we lose the roots and culture of this special holiday.


It’s great to have interest in Mexican culture, I love talking about this stuff with other people, so I’d like to help you understand a little more about how this holiday is routed in honor and culture — holding a deep meaning to those who celebrate it.


The Day of the Dead dates back to pre-Columbian cultures. That’s a LONG time ago; like before the Europeans came to Mesoamerica to colonize it. It’s always been a time to celebrate the death of ancestors and has evolved over time.

The celebrations evolved into the modern day festivities but were originally the entire 9th month of the Aztec calendar (August), and were dedicated to La Calavera Catrina or “Lady of the Dead”.

While it used to be celebrated in the summer it’s become associated with “All Saints Day, or All Souls Day”. It has evolved into a day to honor infants and children who have passed on Nov 1st, and a day to honor adults who have passed on Nov 2nd.

I’ve learned that it wasn’t until the 20th century that it was even celebrated in the northern parts of Mexico. Mexico is a predominantly Catholic country, so they celebrated “All Saints Day” like other Christians around the world. In the 1960s Mexico made Day of the Dead a national holiday, inviting the northern part of Mexico to also celebrate this tradition.

La Calavera

La Calavara Catrina is a lady depicted as a skeleton wearing only a large European style hat. It’s thought to have depicted the upper class, but it was said that "Death brings this neutralizing force; everyone is equal in the end. Sometimes people have to be reminded of that." (David de la Torre)

Mexican interpretation of death is unique from other cultures in that it uses offerings, songs, respect and humor. While other cultures interpret La Catrina differently, in Mexico, it’s thought that she represents the European culture being pressed upon Mesoamerica, but remind us that the bones within are still native.


The sugar skull is an image associated with day of the dead. People even get their face painted with intricate and beautiful designs. The calavera, is an artistic representation of a skull of a person who is deceased, and can often be made to depict certain characteristics of that person making them recognizable in skeleton form.

This is a beautiful tradition, but doing this as a Halloween costume or out of context can be seen as cultural appropriation.

Often the calaveras are placed on an alter reserved for family who has died. An alter or ofrenda is made in the home or on a grave site as a remembrance and an honor to the loved ones. They can include the person’s favorite foods, music, trinkets, along with candles, calaveras, marigold flowers, colorful decorations, and photos.

Marigolds—often used as decoration—are said to represent the fragility of life. They also serve as a guidance to the spirits as they come back to this world to feel the love of their family, and take that love back with them.

During this time, family time is very important. Stories are shared, and food is passed as everyone remembers those who are gone. It’s a celebration of life; of life passed, and of the lives that are still living. Death is nothing we should be afraid of, but rather as a reminder of the importance of our life now.

I understand wanting to be a part of a celebration like this, especially one that is full of joy, food and drinks. In other cultures, death is typically associated with sadness and grief. While there is definitely sadness to the death of loved ones, (I can’t even think about losing someone close to me without having anxiety) the Mexican culture has found a way to continue honoring that person’s life beyond the grave. Their memory stays alive. There’s joy, happiness, bright colors, and celebration. Rather than simply putting some sugar skulls on socks or t-shirts to wear them on the day, think about how it can affect your own life. Think about how you can truly understand someone else’s traditions, see the good in them, and respect them without trying to gain anything for yourself.

This is a nice video about Dia de los Muertos if you want to hear more.


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History | Hispanic Heritage Month

We are at the end of Hispanic Heritage month. It started on Sept 15th and ended yesterday, October 15th. This observation started as just a week of acknowledgement in 1968 by Lyndon Johnson. In 1988 it was expanded to 30 days by Ronald Reagan. During this month we’re paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have influenced and enriched our nation and society.

How awesome is that!?

And to think, still at 30 years later, we’ve experienced such a setback from feeling accepted in this country, even if we are citizens. The celebration or acknowledgement of Hispanic/Latino history is huge, because it’s a way for people who aren’t Hispanic to get a glimpse of the historical impact that Latin American countries have had on the US. It’s so easy to stay comfortably in your own little towns hanging out with the same groups of people that are similar to you, while being ignorant of the beauty of other countries and cultures, especially the ones that border your own and have made a direct impact on your own personal freedoms.

Often I see people who might enjoy the culture and foods of different countries turn around and spew hatred toward the same culture that brought the foods they love to this country.

While having specific months to honor different groups of people, (Hispanic Heritage month in Sept/Oct, Black History month in February, Asian History month in May, and American Indian month in November) is a great thing where we can learn about different histories and cultures, I think of when Americans as a whole will show more appreciation, compassion and understanding for each other.

It starts somewhere. It starts with you, and me; teaching our kids how to love differences, and to celebrate different cultures.

Design Inspiration | Papel Picado

I'm doing a series on my San Miguel Collection prints and am collaborating with interior stylist Mylene Raspado

This week I'm featuring: Papel Picado

Papel picado came about during the 19th century, and was made using a chisel. First, an intricate design is drawn on paper and covered with plastic to protect the original drawing. To make several copies at once they stack many sheets together and chisel the design out.


This print is a favorite in our house. Ever since the movie Coco came out, whenever the kids see papel picado they’re automatically filled with joy; so when they saw this print in our house they were so excited and they called it the “Coco picture”.

I love this print for the living room. The colors in this print are vibrant and colorful, but you can still pair this with some neutral tones to make it a statement piece without overwhelming the room with color. It’s inviting and sure to create some smiles and joyful conversation with your guests.

Papel Picado Moodboard.jpg

Dress: Siempre Viva Clothing

Embroidered Moon Pom: Siempre Viva Clothing

Table Runner: Lola y Tula

Bedroom Inspo: Lola y Tula

Shoes: Lola y Tula

Necklace: Holistic Habitat

Pink Dress: Lola y Tula

Rug: Holistic Habitat

Pillows: Urban Outfitters

Bowl: Urban Outfitters

Chair: Urban Outfitters

This week only (until next Wednesday), I'm offering free framing on all orders of the "Papel Picado" print. Let me know if you have any questions about this design mood board, or this specific print. Just send me an e-mail, or leave a comment below. 


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Design InspirationKarina Metts
Design Inspiration | El Arbol Bougainvillea

I'm doing a series on my San Miguel Collection prints and am collaborating with interior stylist Mylene Raspado

This week I'm featuring: El Arbol Bougainvillea

You can find this plant in warm climates and even though they don’t require much water, they are evergreen if there’s rainfall all year. The flower itself if very fragile, thin, and paper-like, and usually doesn’t last long after they’re picked from the vine. Its colors include magenta, purple, red, orange, pink, white, and yellow. A tree in full bloom offers a breath-taking explosion of color.


I love this piece for a kid's room. It's vibrant colors are sure to catch a little kid's attention and inspire curiosity. Parents who create wonder about different places in this world will raise their kids to respect and embrace other people easily...which should be our goal.

This week only (until Sunday), I'm offering free framing on all orders of the "El Arbol Bougainvillea" print. Let me know if you have any questions about this design mood board, or this specific print. Just send me an e-mail, or leave a comment below. 


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Recipe | Molletes

Can you believe back to school season is happening right now? I'm prepping our first semester and trying to figure out how I'm going to pull it all off by the time school actually begins in a few weeks. I know with busier days coming up, the kids are going to say they're "SOOOOOOOO hungry" all the time. (Actually, that's no different from how they are now.) 

They say that molletes are like a grilled cheese or like toast. A super quick under 5 minute snack to prepare when you're in a hurry, or when the kids come  home and seem to have never eaten a day in their life. 


Gather your ingredients:

Bolillo bread

Beans: It's usually made with pinto beans, but we like black beans in our house.

Cheese: You can use queso fresco or shredded chihuahua cheese.

optional toppings: avocado, tomato, salsa, pico de gallo


1. Warm up beans. Once hot, mash.
2. Slice the bolillo in half long-ways.
3. Slice the tomatoes & avocado and crumble the queso fresco
4. Put a layer of beans on the bread.
5. Add the cheese & let melt for a minute or so. 
6. Layer on your toppings!
8. Enjoy!


I first had molletes in San Miguel de Allende in 2017. I was naive and ordered what said "Molletes - Mexican toast" I thought it was a toasted piece of bread with some jelly and cream. What came out was this amazingness! I was so full after eating it. This little meal is so versatile, you can eat it for breakfast, lunch, or snack.

My mom said she even had it with steak...but in my opinion you're getting into torta territory when you start adding a protein. 


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FoodKarina Metts